M:   mail@maltebentzen.com
P:     +41 (0)78 885 62 20
W:        maltebentzen.com
Malte Bentzen (b.1989) is a type designer from Denmark living and working in Zurich, Switzerland. He collaborates with type foundries, designers and artists.

2020 – Present: Working at the Master in Type design at écal. Developing typefaces for release and licensing at Optimo and AllCaps type foundry.

2017 - 2020: Working as freelance designer: Lineto, Optimo, Studio Laurenz Brunner, Studio Aurèle Sack, ABC Dinamo.

Feel free to get in contact for collaborations, type samples or more information.

Malte Bentzen Void Typeface
Malte Bentzen Modern Gothic Typeface
Malte Bentzen Affix Typeface
Malte Bentzen Recital Typeface
Malte Bentzen Modern Gothic Mono Typeface